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New Patient Questionnaire Child Age 5-14

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Welcome to Glenkens Medical Practice

Surgery Times: The surgery opens at 8:30am and closes at 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.  

We are a rural dispensing practice. Our aim is to provide modern health care in the field of prevention and treatment in a traditional, holistic and caring way. We aim to treat patients under the NHS equally and cost-effectively. The practice has disabled access and facilities.
Surgery Times
The surgery opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 6.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

All requests for an  appointment are triaged (a preliminary assessment of patients in order to determine the urgency of their need for treatment and the nature of treatment required) by a GP initially and these will be converted to face-to-face consultations if clinically indicated. You can pre-book a telephone appointment with your usual GP or telephone on the day for a same day telephone appointment. 

There are a small number of face to face appointments available outwith the usual surgery hours for routine matters. These are offered at the discretion of your usual GP and and via the standard telephone triage process. 

Practice nurse appointments are  available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Making an Appointment
To schedule an appointment, kindly contact the surgery at 01644 420234. Our dedicated patient services team will request a brief description of your concern and guide you to the most suitable clinician for your needs.

Telephone GP appointments are available and these can be converted to face-to-face consultations if clinically indicated. You can pre-book a telephone appointment with your usual GP or telephone on the day for a same day telephone appointment. 

If you require an urgent consultation, you will normally be offered the first available appointment that day.
In the event of a life threatening emergency, such as chest pain or symptoms of a stroke, please call 999 immediately. 
Public and Bank Holidays 
The surgery will be closed for two days at Christmas, two days at New Year, Easter Monday, May Day, August bank holiday and October public holiday. Posters are displayed at the surgery to notify patients of holiday closures.
Dispensing Services
Dispensing services at Glenkens Medical Practice
We offer a Dispensary Service for our patients. Through our Dispensary we can issue your medication which can be ready for you to collect after your consultation. 
You can also collect your repeat medication from the Surgery. Patients who use this service do not have to make a further trip, after their consultation, to a pharmacy located in Castle Douglas or elsewhere.

We aim to offer a high standard of dispensing services and all our dispensers are fully qualified. The service is supervised by our Doctors and we ensure that only the highest quality medicines are dispensed.

However, as we are not a pharmacy we are unable to offer the services shown below:
  • Medicines Care and Review service
  • Minor Ailments Service
  • Prescription delivery
  • Blister packs/daily dosage packaging
Over the counter (OTC) medical supplies are not available and any medicines issued must be prescribed by a doctor and may be subject a private prescription fees.
Patient Access is a more convenient way to order repeat medication from Glenkens Medical Practice over the internet and is the Practice preferred option.
Ask at reception for details about how to register for this service. You will be given your own unique registration sheet.
Create an account using your registration sheet - this will include the practice ID number, an access ID number and your NHS number.
Choose a password which you will use in future to log into the site. You will then be able to sign in and order repeat medication.

Further information can be found at:
Well Woman and Family Planning
The Practice offers advice on female contraception and family planning, including post-coital contraception. All women aged 25-64 across Scotland are invited to have a cervical screening test every three years from age 25-49 and every five years from age 50-64. A set of leaflets are available to enable women to make an informed choice to attend their screening appointment.
Ante-natal Care
The Practice provides shared ante-natal and post-natal care with the hospital consultants at Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary.

Travelling Abroad
All travel advice is now provided outwith the Practice.  Please see "Additional Information" for our full guidance.
Minor Operations
Your doctor is able to carry out a variety of minor surgical procedures under local anaesthetic. Initial consultation takes place during normal surgery hours.
Private Medical Examinations 
Pre-employment, Life Insurance and other private medical examinations are conducted by appointment outside normal consulting hours.
Child Health Surveillance and Immunisations
These can be arranged by calling the Health Visitor on 01644 420234.
Comments, Suggestions or Complaints
We welcome any comments or observations that you may have about the quality of care we offer. Please see above for full details of our procedure.
Fit Notes
Fit notes, formally known as 'Statement of Fitness for Work' and previously referred to as 'sick notes,' are documents issued by doctors to patients after evaluating their ability to work.
If you're off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you've been ill. You should however inform your employer and complete a self certification form when you return to work.
To count the number of days that you've been sick, you need to count all the days in a row you've been sick, including days you do not usually work, such as weekends and bank holidays.
If you're off work sick for more than 7 days and you need a fit note, contact a doctor or nurse looking after you.  
You should go back to work as soon as you feel able to, and this may be before the end date on your fit note. You do not require to see a healthcare professional prior to returning to work. We do not issue notes stating you are fit to work. 
If you require a fit note to cover your hospital stay, this should be provided by the medical team who cared for you while you were an inpatient

Out-of-Hours Medical Care
In the event of a life threatening emergency such as chest pain or symptoms of a stroke, please call 999. 

If you require medical advice after the surgery has closed, please call the normal practice number 01644 420234. Your call will automatically be diverted to NHS 24 (111) free number. An experienced NHS 24 nurse will assess your symptoms and, if necessary, arrange for you to see a doctor or nurse. Click or tap on the NHS Scotland logo below to visit the NHS24 website.
Dumfries & Galloway Out-of-Hours should only be used to provide medical management for conditions that require urgent attention (illnesses experienced which require attention before your own GP Practice opens, but are not serious enough for a 999 call or attendance at The Emergency Department). The D&G OOH service should not be used to provide treatment for routine, recurrent or non-urgent medical conditions or to issue repeat prescriptions. The Primary Care Centre can only take referrals from NHS24. Please do not attend without telephoning NHS24 for an appointment.
When you call NHS 24
A call handler will ask you a series of questions and you will be advised what to do next. If your responses indicate that you need help from the Out of Hours Service, your details will be sent electronically to the local Dumfries & Galloway Out of Hours Service (D&G OOH). A team member from D&G OOH (Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic or Pharmacist) may call you back to discuss the problem in detail.

You may be advised in one of the following ways:
  • Self-management advice over the phone. This may include advice to visit a community pharmacy. 
  • Attend the Primary Care Centres based at the Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary via A&E entrance, The Galloway Community Hospital, Stranraer or Newton Stewart Hospital. (Usually a specific time to attend will be agreed). 
  • A Home visit from one of our OOH Team Members is for housebound patients only.  
  • Occasionally the OOH Team Member may feel that a problem requires urgent admission to hospital and will arrange for an emergency ambulance to attend. 
  • If you are given telephone advice and later feel that your condition has worsened, then you should call 111 again. Your condition will be re-assessed.

Other ways to get help
Consider speaking to your community pharmacist first. The pharmacist can provide assistance with many medication related issues, for example, if you have lost or run out of your repeat medication. The pharmacist can also provide advice and, if appropriate, treatment for many minor ailments, which may be free of charge. Common minor ailments include:  Allergies, pain, constipation, diarrhoea, earache, skin conditions, eye infections, indigestion, thrush, sore throats and coughs, urinary tract infection.

Help on the Web
NHS Inform is Scotland’s leading digital health and care information service, providing a source of reliable, quality assured information across a growing range of channels including online, telephone, webchat and social media. 

A new self-help guide, fully aligned with NHS 24’s 111 out of hours service, enables people to manage their own symptoms across a range of conditions.

NHS Dumfries & Galloway
For information about local health services, visit the NHS Dumfries & Galloway website. Click or tap on the logo below.
 For compliments, concerns or comments
Your feedback helps us to better understand what we are doing well and where we can improve. There are lots of ways that you can share your views with us including:  
  • Speaking directly to a member of staff in the team the feedback is about
  • Via the independent organisation Care Opinion through their website at or by completing one of their leaflets (available from staff or Patient Services) 
  • Contacting our Patient Services team on 01387 272733 or by
If you wish to progress a complaint or would like more information about our Complaints Handling Procedure, please contact Patient Services who can assist you.

If you need help giving us your feedback, you can access free, independent and confidential advice and support from the Patient Advice and Support Service who are part of the Citizens Advice Bureau:
Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service (DAGCAS), 81-85 Irish Street, Dumfries, DG1 2PQ
Telephone: 0300 303 4321
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